• Welcome, to Ready-to-Quit, stop smoking courses run by former smokers, for aspiring former smokers. 
  • Ready-to-Quit knows that stopping smoking is simple, but sadly for most of us it is rarely easy...
Most smokers spend their lives waiting for a  "golden moment"  when suddenly they will no longer be powerless over cigarettes.  For many that merely prolongs the misery that addiction brings.

Ready-to-Quit does not offer "golden moments" ... 
We offer you  "golden opportunities"  to spend time with people committed to helping you STOP smoking!
  • At Ready-to-Quit we realise that any change can happened in a flash, however for most, change is something that happens over a time.  We believe that change is a process, not an event.

  • With Ready-to-Quit begins a journey to see old things in new ways.  Our supportive courses will help you to know the truth, and that truth will set you free from the misery of nicotine addiction.
  • For details of our upcoming New Year course dates, see our bookings page now...
  • Remember to book early to avoid disappointment!